Winners of Resident/Medical Student Poster Competition Announced

The Resident/Medical Student Poster Competition is an APA Annual Meeting tradition that allows residents and medical students to attend the meeting, present their research, and be recognized for quality work. Eligible participants can submit abstracts for posters under five categories: Clinical Case Studies, Psychosocial and Biomedical Research Projects, Patient-Oriented Care and Epidemiology, Community Development and Service Projects, and Curriculum Development and Educational Projects.
Submitted abstracts are evaluated by a panel of judges; this year's judges were Ranna Perekh, M.D., Joan Anzia, M.D., Michelle Pato, M.D., and John Coverdale, M.D.
All submitted posters are presented at the Annual Meeting, and winners receive a medal and bragging rights for themselves and their institutions.
This year’s winners were Monika Chaudhry, M.D., for “Renal Transplantation in a Patient With Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type”; Joy Lin, B.S., for “Effects of Childhood Adversity and Adulthood Trauma on C-Reactive Protein in the Health and Retirement Study”; Alexandra Rice, M.D., M.A., for “The Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Therapies to Treat Depression During Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis”; William Levitt, M.D., for “Program Development of a Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Bup/Nx) Outpatient Program in a Safety Net Hospital” and Jeremy Kidd, M.D., M.P.H., for “Special-‘T’ Training: Pre- , Post- and 90-Day Outcomes From a Residency-Wide Professionalism Workshop on Transgender Health.”
(Image: David Hathcox)