Winners of Resident/Medical Student Poster Competition Announced

Gathering for a photo after the announcement of the winners of the Resident/Medical Student Poster Competition were (from left) Jacqueline Feldman, M.D., chair of APA’s Scientific Program Committee; Sally Huang; Michael Yee, M.D.; Altha Stewart, M.D., APA president; Tia Mansouri, M.D.; Saul Levin, M.D., M.P.A., APA CEO and medical director; Annie Hart, M.D.; and Emma Makoba, M.D. Makoba accepted the award for Trevor Scudamore, M.D.
The Resident/Medical Student Poster Competition is an APA Annual Meeting tradition that allows residents and medical students to attend the meeting, present their research, and be recognized for quality work. Eligible participants can submit abstracts for posters in five categories: Clinical Case Studies, Psychosocial and Biomedical Research Projects, Patient-Oriented Care and Epidemiology, Community Development and Service Projects, and Curriculum Development and Educational Projects. Submitted abstracts are evaluated by a panel of judges. All submitted posters are presented at the Annual Meeting, and winners receive a medal and bragging rights for themselves and their institutions.
This year’s winners are as follows:
- Annie Hart, M.D., of Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai for “The Practice, Enhancement, Engagement, Resilience, and Support (PEERS) Curriculum: Improving Medical Student Resilience and Well-Being” (Curriculum Development and Education)
- Sally Huang of Baylor College of Medicine for “Refugee Resettlement Research in Texas: A Unique Collaboration Between Medical Professionals, Trainees, and the Community” (Community Development and Service Projects)
- Tia Mansouri, M.D., of SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn for “Burnout in Resident and Fellow Physicians in a Metropolitan Academic Medical Setting” (Psychosocial and Biomedical Research Projects)
- Trevor Scudamore, M.D., of SUNY Upstate Medical University for “Mindful Melody: Exploring the Use of Music to Reduce Agitation on an Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Floor” (Patient-Oriented Care and Epidemiology)
- Michael Yee, M.D., of Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai for “Severe Mania Triggered by Gonadotropins in an Ovarian Hyperstimulation Protocol for Egg Harvesting” (Clinical Case Studies)
(Image: David Hathcox)