ABPN’s Article-Based Continuing Certification Examination Begins This Year
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A three-year Article-Based Continuing Certification (ABCC) pathway will begin this year for all American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) diplomates as a permanent alternative to the secure, proctored 10-year continuing certification examination.
The ABCC Pathway will be the default assessment option for all new diplomates entering the ABPN Continuing Certification Program in 2022 unless they choose the 10-year examination pathway.
“With the article-based continuing certification program, ABPN is striving to meet the needs of clinicians in practice,” said Christopher Thomas, M.D., (pictured above), in a session about the new pathway on Monday. “Rather than cramming for a 10-year exam, candidates who take the ABCC will learn in continuous three-year blocks of time. The article-based test really supports the aims of lifelong learning. It’s more adaptable to clinicians in practice and provides high-quality content and opportunities to expand their knowledge.”