Be on Lookout for Unhealthy Eating Practices Beyond Recognized Eating Disorders, Says Expert
Over the past several decades, it’s been a popular trend to define scandals by affixing them with the suffix “-gate” (Russiagate, gamergate, etc.). A similar type of branding is being seen in the field of eating disorders, as both popular media and research articles have coined terms such as “bigorexia” or “drunkorexia.”
At a session yesterday, leading expert Evelyn Attia, M.D., director of the Columbia Center for Eating Disorders at Columbia University Medical Center, discussed some of these unusual eating practices that have received recent attention. She noted she was not a big fan of some of these labels, but they have served to highlight the complexity of disordered eating beyond the well-known disorders of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.