Be Aware That Some ADHD Patients May Have Problematic Internet Use
Comorbidities among youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not uncommon. One that has recently emerged is problematic internet use, said Michael Van Ameringen, M.D., a professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Fortunately, treatment options exist and they are not complicated, he noted during his Annual Meeting presentation on Wednesday.
Internet gaming disorder is a common comorbidity in youth with ADHD. However, Van Ameringen noted that psychiatrists might want to broaden how they conceptualize these youth and instead think of them as having problematic internet use because it encompasses additional activities such as compulsive web browsing, social media use, and consumption of online pornography. Using this broader definition, a large meta-analysis estimated that problematic internet use affected about 9% of people in Eastern countries and nearly 5% in Western countries.