Psychiatric News
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Recent Deaths of APA Members Announced

The following deaths were reported to the American Psychiatric Association between March 1, 1996, and February 29, 1997:

Carlos J. Abad, M.D.

John Richard Adams, M.D.

Kurt Adler, M.D.

John A. Aita, M.D.

Sidney I. Altman, M.D.

Gunter K. Ammon, M.D.

A. Glen Anderson Jr., M.D.

Paul S. Anderson, M.D.

Leslie R. Angus, M.D.

Genevieve Arneson, M.D.

Frank Ashley, M.D.

Stuart Carson Averill, M.D.

Colita R. Banez, M.D.

George W. Bartholow, M.D.

Michael F. Basch, M.D.

Morris C. Beckwitt, M.D.

Bruce Charles Behr, M.D.

Allan Beigel, M.D.

John M. Bellis, M.D.

Titus P. Bellville, M.D.

Tully Benaron, M.D.

Nathan J. Bender, M.D.

Harold Lloyd Bitman, M.D.

Harry Bjornstad, M.D.

James Robert Blair Jr., M.D.

Jacob Cweiber Blasser, M.D.

Milton Jack Blaustein, M.D.

Irvin Leroy Blose, M.D.

Harriet L. Boardman, M.D.

Elizabeth M. Boggs, Ph.D.

Lila Morse Bonner-Miller, M.D.

Anthony John Bouckoms, M.D.

John R. Bower, M.D.

Peter William Bowman, M.D.

Harry N. Brandeis, M.D.

Charles Kenneth Brantley, M.D.

Alan David Breslow, M.D.

Herman M. Brickhouse, M.D.

Carl J. Bridge, M.D.

Alfred Bronner, M.D.

Shael S. Bronson, M.D.

Robert Samuel Bryles, M.D.

Mary E. D. C. Bublis, M.D.

Arthur P. Burdon, M.D.

Bernard L. Busfield Jr., M.D.

William D. Buxton, M.D.

Paul Cantalupo, M.D.

Henry A. Cardwell, M.D.

Lawrence Chang, M.D.

Ethel A. Chapman, M.D.

Paul A. Chapman, M.D.

T. Paschal Clarke, M.D.

Irving M. Clyne, M.D.

Melvin Warren Cohen, M.D.

Willard F. Conger, M.D.

Gary Allan Cowan, M.D.

John Cowen, M.D.

Warren M. Cox, M.D.

Dewitt L. Crandell, M.D.

Stephen G. Cronin, M.D.

Alvin Joseph Cronson, M.D.

Daniel Davis, M.D.

Enrique Delgado-Fourzan, M.D.

Paul Emile Desrochers, M.D.

John P. Dobson, M.D.

Wilfred Dorfman, M.D.

Joseph R. Dorsey, M.D.

Isaac C. East, M.D.

Paul G. Edgar, M.D.

Vera M. Eiden, M.D.

Samuel Eisenstein, M.D.

Leo Eitinger, M.D.

Eugene G. Evans Jr., M.D.

Norman A. Evensen, M.D.

Benjamin B. Faguet, M.D.

Ellis E. Fair, M.D.

E. Richard Feinberg, M.D.

Lewis J. Fielding, M.D.

H. Keith Fischer, M.D.

William Fleeson, M.D.

Louis H. Forman, M.D.

Fritz Herman Former, M.D.

Patricia B. Francis, M.D.

Leonard C. Frank, M.D.

Richard L. Frank, M.D.

Henry Frey, M.D.

Merril B. Friend, M.D.

Lois B. Fuller, M.D.

Gail A. Gaines, M.D.

Ada Perel Gaskill, M.D.

Leon Ginsberg, M.D.

Henry Glenwick, M.D.

Moe A. Goldberg, M.D.

Angel G. Gomez, M.D.

Bernard Goodman, M.D.

Paul G. Gregory, M.D.

Robert H. Groh, M.D.

Maurice Grossman, M.D.

William L. Grover, M.D.

Sigmund Gundle, M.D.

Lester E. Haentzschel, M.D.

Nancy Lynne Hager, M.D.

Henry N. Hamilton, M.D.

Harold B. Hanson, M.D.

B. Randol Hardwick, M.D.

Robert K. Hartz, M.D.

Paul W. Hayes, M.D.

Alfred R. Heasty Sr., M.D.

Frederick R. Hine, M.D.

Elmer Leaman Horst, M.D.

Myroslaw Hrushka, M.D.

James Raymond Hurley, M.D.

Martin Hurvitz, M.D.

Betty Huse, M.D.

Tatsuji lida, M.D.

Ira Israel, M.D.

Merl M. Jackel, M.D.

Don E. Johnson, M.D.

Neil Richard Johnson, M.D.

Robert Kagan, M.D.

Alex H. Kaplan, M.D.

Frank E. Kaplan, M.D.

Maurice Kaplan, M.D.

Paul D. Kaufmann, M.D.

Georgine A. Kavka, M.D.

Curtis Kendrick, M.D.

Ian Kent, M.D.

Paul M. Kersten, M.D.

Edwin S. Kessler, M.D.

Rukhsana B. Khaleel, M.D.

Myunghee Kim, M.D.

Paul Clinton King, M.D.

Richard S. King, M.D.

William James King, M.D.

Robert G. Kinsman, M.D.

Carol L. Kirschbaum, D.O.

Henriette R. Klein, M.D.

W. Payton Kolb, M.D.

Edward J. Komora, M.D.

Miroslvav M. Kovacevich, M.D.

George J. Lantos, M.D.

Eldridge L. Lasell, M.D.

David Harl Leeper, M.D.

Rosa Lenz, M.D.

Frederick A. Lewis Jr.,M.D.

Orrin Henry Lindberg, M.D.

Maria M. Lyskowski, M.D.

Gaston S. Magrinat, M.D.

Milton Malev, M.D.

Ceclia F. Mann-Catan, M.D.

Alberto A. Marinacci, M.D.

Richard C. Marohn, M.D.

Johann R. Marx, M.D.

Emilio Massa, M.D.

Bayoan C. Mateo, M.D.

William E. Mc Cray, M.D.

David W. Mc Creight, M.D.

Patrick J. Mc Donough, M.D.

Robert Louie Mc Kinley Jr., M.D.

Blaine Edmund Mc Laughlin, M.D.

Meyer D. Mendelson, M.D.

Matthew J. Merkley, M.D.

Edward Meshorer, M.D.

Thomas J. Meyers, M.D.

Leonard Micon, M.D.

Alma E. Miller, M.D.

Clarence S. Miller, M.D.

Mary Miller, M.D.

Susan S. Moreno, M.D.

Francis J.Mulvihill Jr.,M.D.

Foster S. Murray, M.D.

Arthur Neulander, M.D.

Claude R. Nichols Jr., M.D.

E. Mark Nichols, M.D.

Gunnar Nirk, M.D.

Dagmar I. Norell, M.D.

Haskell F. Norman, M.D.

Richard D. Notes, M.D.

Usim Odirn, M.D.

Alexander G. Oei, M.D.

Jane F. O'Neil, M.D.

Raymond Lester Osborne, M.D.

Peter F. Ostwald, M.D.

Emil G. Piana, M.D.

George E. Poucher, M.D.

John M. Pratt, M.D.

Richard C. Proctor, M.D.

Einar Pustrom, M.D.

Hector Ramirez-Honey, M.D.

Nelson Rangell, M.D.

Franz K. Reichsman, M.D.

Eugene Revitch, M.D.

Fred P. Robbins, M.D.

Charles A. Roberts, M.D.

Jules S. Rodin, M.D.

Edwin D. Rogers, M.D.

Mark A. Rogers, M.D.

Andre Rolo, M.D.

Joseph D. Rosen, M.D.

Daniel Geoffrey Ross, M.D.

Margaret T. Ross, M.D.

William B. Rothney, M.D.

Melvin Rubenstein, M.D.

Marvin Rudo, M.D.

Paul Libbey Russell, M.D.

Zaheer A. Salimi, M.D.

Milton R. Sapirstein, M.D.

J. Winston Sapp, M.D.

James S. Scarborough, M.D.

Carole Sue Schaffer, M.D.

Maurice A. Schiller, M.D.

Steven D. Schwartz, M.D.

Donald R. Seidel, M.D.

Herman Selinsky, M.D.

Donald W. Sellers, M.D.

Walter Sencer, M.D.

Brij B. Sethi, M.D.

Mortimer F. Shapiro, M.D.

William H. Shaw, M.D.

Jerome A. Shiell, M.D.

Sumathi S. Shivaratri, M.D.

Leslie Stuart Shurpin, M.D.

Abdur-Razzaque Siddiqui, M.D.

William L. Silcott, M.D.

Joseph B. Simmonds, M.D.

S. Mouchly Small, M.D.

Joseph T. Smith, M.D., J.D.

Elwyn M. Smolen, M.D.

Edward Stainbrook, M.D.

Hamlin A. Starks, M.D.

Arthur P. Stebbins, M.D.

Robert T. Stenberg, M.D.

George M. Stem, M.D.

Ernest Stevans, M.D.

Walter R. Stokes, M.D.

Ralph M. Stolzheise, M.D.

Hugh A. Storrow, M.D.

James T. Sutter, M.D.

Perry C. Talkington, M.D.

Norman Taub, M.D.

Paul F. Tempel, M.D.

Anna C. Todd, M.D.

Dean Leon Towle, M.D.

Eugene S. Turrell, M.D.

Felix A. Ucko, M.D.

Parks Warren Walker, M.D.

Daniel J. Weber, M.D.

Earl M. Wedrow, M.D.

Charles Leon Weisman, M.D.

Franklin H. West, M.D.

Gladys R. Whipple, M.D.

John D Whitehouse, M.D.

Howard V. Williams Jr., M.D.

Mary E. Wiltberger, M.D.

Jeffrey Wayne Wold, M.D.

William Q. Wolfson, M.D.

Zuleika Yarrell, M.D.

Charles L. Yeager, M.D.

Bernard Yood, M.D.

Morris Yorshis, M.D.

James Joseph Zakris, M.D.

(Psychiatric News, May 16, 1997)